Empower yourself through EFT.

Dissolve your mental and emotional blocks.

Unf*ck your subconscious mind.

Free yourself from your own limiting beliefs.

It starts with you.

Hi, I’m Anna

I’m an EFT Level 2 Practitioner-in-Training : getting to share this tool with the world LIGHTS ME UP.

I’m in love with the power and simplicity of EFT Tapping.

EFT allowed me to dismantle my limiting beliefs: I lived in a haze of inadequacy, not-enoughness, and avoidance of negative emotions (hello, disordered eating!).

Enter EFT:  I fell in love with myself. Radically altered my self-perception and cultivated an unshakable self-belief. Started showing up as my most confident, powerful self (goodbye, crippling fear!).

This could be you, too.

I’m here to hand you the tools.

Are you ready to uplevel your life?

@annaridley.uk on Instagram