EFT changed my life. It can change yours, too!
I’d been holding the keys to my jail cell the whole time…
EFT set me free.
I’m on a fun-filled adventure to unf*ck my subconscious mind with EFT, and empowering others to do the same.
I’m undoing years of negative thought patterns and behaviours. Removing limiting beliefs that were keeping me playing small.
I’m stepping into my QUEEN energy. I’m embodying success in each moment. It’s a process, but that’s where the magic is.
Want to join me on the Journey?
My Story
Not an expert, just a human.
I found EFT Tapping back in Spring 2023. I’d just quit my all-consuming job and my mental health wasn’t tiptop (=burnout).
EFT blew my mind. I had so many profound shifts and real, tangible results.
I had been living in fear. My subconscious beliefs were determining my reality:
I’m not good enough. If I’m not perfect, no-one will want me. I never have enough. If I show the real ‘me’, I’ll be rejected.
These core beliefs were making me miserable. Stopping me from achieving what I wanted. Keeping me frozen, blocked from living the next-level-aligned-expanded life I knew I was meant to live.
With EFT, I stopped procrastinating. I stopped emotional eating. I started showing up for myself. I started trusting myself. I started believing in myself. My relationships improved. I began to feel peace and joy in daily life.
Now I see magic in the mundane. I feel successful. I know my dreams are inevitable.
In May 2024 I began my EFT Level 2 Practitioner Training. I’m taking on 1:1 clients as I work towards my Qualification.
I get to guide others to dissolve their blocks and fears using EFT. It’s wild to me how natural this feels. Makes me throw around phrases like ‘aligned purpose’ with giddy abandon.
EFT is too good to gatekeep! I’m sharing it with everyone. Once you know know how to tap, you can do it on yourself, at any moment, totally free.
This accessibility makes it SO empowering.
I’m not an expert. But I don’t need to be - you are the expert on yourself. Only you can change your life.
EFT can help you do it.
The Technical Bits:
I’m fully insured & a Student Member of EFT International.
All 1:1 Sessions take place on Zoom.